Dean's story - advocating on behalf of Dean so that he wasn’t unfairly affected by a mental health episode
Advocating on behalf of Dean so that he wasn’t unfairly affected by a mental health episode
When we first saw Dean he was 38, unemployed and on disability pension. He had been charged with minor assaults against two strangers, both on the same day. Dean told us that he’d had a happy childhood, lots of friends and finished high school. He dreamt of becoming an accountant. But he started experiencing signs of psychiatric illness and was unable to function well without medication.
In December 2015 he experienced a rapid decline in his health and on the night of the offences he was psychotic. The police found him unfit to be interviewed and he was made an inpatient of a psychiatric ward for almost a month. We knew that Dean likely had a defence: he was mentally impaired at the time. His behaviour was completely out of character.
IMCL obtained a psychiatric report to explain his condition and engaged a barrister to appear at court to negotiate with police. The material was accepted and the charges were dropped, without the need for a hearing. The police were satisfied that Dean was receiving the medical help he needed to manage his symptoms. IMCL’s help meant that his matters were resolved fairly and efficiently.
10 months after being charged with criminal offences, Dean’s life has completely changed. “After you helped me, I got a job. With a criminal record, I wouldn’t have got it. It’s nothing great, but I enjoy it…”