Kate's story - finding a way out of domestic violence

Finding a way out of domestic violence

Kate came to see us on-site at the Royal Women’s Hospital.

Kate told us that she had been in a violent relationship and that whilst pregnant, she had been violently assaulted by her partner. She had called the police who had taken out an intervention order to protect Kate. Kate told us that for a time after the assault, she stayed away from her partner but that when he promised her that he wouldn’t hurt her again, she returned to him because she was pregnant and felt there was nowhere else to go. During that time, Kate applied for a variation to the intervention order to allow her partner to see her and contact her. Whilst her application for a variation to the order was pending before the Court, Kate’s partner was again violent and abusive to Kate.

When we met Kate, she had recently given birth. We assisted Kate to withdraw her variation application to ensure that a full intervention order remained in place to protect her. We also advised Kate on how to add her child to the intervention order. The Department of Health and Human Services had contacted Kate when her child was born due to concerns for her child’s safety and we gave Kate advice on how to work with the Department  to ensure that her and her child remained safe and together. The Department ultimately closed its file, satisfied that Kate was acting protectively towards her child.