Jane's story - protecting Jane and her children from harm

Protecting Jane and her children from harm.

It can be extremely difficult for women to leave violent relationships, particularly when young children are involved. The absence of legal help makes it even harder, if not impossible.

We saw Jane as duty lawyer. She had fled the family home due to escalating family violence that included physical and sexual assaults and threats to kill. She was living in a refuge and had applied for an Intervention Order to protect herself and children from her husband. 

She was fearful and intimidated by the court process, which was completely unfamiliar to her. English was her second language, so with the assistance of an interpreter we gave her advice about her options in a way she could understand. 

We negotiated on her behalf and a final order was granted, without the need for a full court hearing. Jane was relieved that she had been supported through the process and that we spoke on her behalf in court.

Knowing that to take control of her life she required advice about child arrangements, child support, property settlement, divorce, and making a compensation claim to the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal, we made a subsequent appointment for her to see us at the IMCL office. After our assistance, Jane said she felt her life was beginning again.