Published on Monday 14, October 2019
Dear IMCL Supporters
We’re very happy to announce a significant and exciting development concerning the future of IMCL. The Board of IMCL has, in principle, agreed to merge with Flemington & Kensington Community Legal Centre (FKCLC). This decision follows some years of careful analysis of legal need, consideration by the board and staff; and the development of a clear common understanding between the centres about the vision for a merged organisation
This has been talked about for many years. Now, after detailed discussions and careful analysis with FKCLC, we are ready to take up this opportunity to improve the legal assistance we can provide to the community of the inner North-West. We believe that the merger is in the best interests of our clients and the community, and will result in better access to legal assistance for vulnerable members of our community.
In making this decision, we specifically considered:
- The overlapping catchment areas of our organisations and similarities of our client groups;
- The potential to increase and improve services for vulnerable communities;
- The merged organisation’s increased capacity for fundraising, seeking philanthropic and government funding;
- The efficiencies a merged organisation would create; and
- Both organisations’ commitment to maintain strong local community presence.
IMCL and FKCLC are in the process of recruiting a project manager to manage the project through to its conclusion, overseen by a steering committee composed of members from each centre's Board.
We will be convening a general meeting, to endorse the decision to merge, once the details of the merger have been finalised. This meeting will likely be in the first half of 2020. There will also be an opportunity to find out more at our 2019 AGM on 27 November.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do contact our CEO Dan Stubbs at dan.stubbs@imcl.org.au or on 9328 1885 or our Chair, Peter Fridell at fridellpeter@gmail.com.
Dan Stubbs (CEO) and Peter Fridell (Chair)